Over 2.2 billion people are living without access to safe water. World Water Day is about accelerating change to solve this water and sanitation crisis.
The Swarovski Foundation takes water action through its Waterschool program by empowering young people and their communities around the world to become water ambassadors through tools and training relevant to their local water challenges.

Waterschool Australia
In light of World Water Day, we are proud to share the impact of our Swarovski Foundation’s Waterschool partnership with EarthWatch Australia. We recognise the young Australians that have become water ambassadors and agents of change in their local communities. The Waterschool Australia program has achieved a lot since 2021:
💧9,760 hours of program participation
💧4,384 students engaged
💧 49 peer-teaching workshops created
We look forward to seeing young people continue their passionate work to make a difference and to help drive environmental action in the years to come.

Waterschool Thailand
Only 41% of water available to households in Thailand is appropriate for consumption. To address these local water challenges, the Swarovski Foundation's Waterschool partnership with the Raks Thai Foundation empowers local young people to take water action through initiative projects in and out of school to contribute to the development of their community. Since 2016, the Waterschool program in Thailand has:
💧 Educated over 4,000 children in 19 communities
💧 Engaged over 7,000 community members
💧 Trained more than 200 teachers

Find out more about the Swarovski Foundation's Waterschool program at: www.swarovskiwaterschool.com