The Swarovski Foundation brings focus to the company’s commitment to philanthropy and generosity through its support for charitable initiatives, providing not just funding but structure and good governance to ensure positive and long-lasting social impact. The Foundation operates across three main areas: fostering culture and creativity, promoting human empowerment and preserving the environment. Its efforts align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, with a special focus on Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Life Below Water, Life on Land and Partnerships for the Goals. Since inception, the Swarovski Foundation has supported 49 charitable organizations across 34 countries reaching 354,000 people.
The Swarovski Foundation has been supporting female empowerment initiatives and advocating for gender equality since its inception in 2013. Key charitable partnerships include Barefoot College, mothers2mothers, Street Business School and Women for Women International.

Barefoot College is a non-profit organization that connects rural communities to solar power, clean water, educational resources and livelihood development opportunities. The organization specializes in creating women-led economic uplift through customized vocational training within communities that builds on its solar and educational platforms to improve lives and self-sufficiency over the long-term.
mothers2mothers aims to end pediatric AIDS and create healthy communities by training and employing mothers living with HIV as community healthcare workers. In 2018, Swarovski Foundation focused its support in Kenya, helping to provide essential health education and training to five Mentor Mothers who work with their local communities to prevent the transmission of HIV from mother to child.

Street Business School provides highly specialized entrepreneurial training for women living in deep poverty. Through a signature combination of business skills training and confidence building, Street Business School enables women to create and sustain their own micro-businesses, allowing them to triple their incomes.

Women for Women International aims to give women in conflict countries access to knowledge and economic resources. Since 2014,Swarovski Foundation has helped to transform the lives of 848 Nigerian women through a holistic training program that educates on business skills, human rights and health and wellbeing, as well as connecting them to support networks.