mothers2mothers (m2m) is an Africa-based non-governmental organisation that aims to end paediatric AIDS and create healthy, thriving families and communities by training and employing women living with HIV as frontline health workers. The Swarovski Foundation supports mothers2mothers, to improve the quality of care and support services for young children with disabilities and their families in Uganda.
Mentor Mother Model
The success and impact are rooted in the Mentor Mother Model of peer mentorship, role modelling and proven high-impact interventions. We support mothers2mothers to help train and employ local women living with HIV as Mentor Mothers—frontline health workers who educate and support women and their families to access healthcare, start on any treatment they need, and stay in care. The evidence-based programmes are designed to reach, educate, and engage the most vulnerable, disadvantaged women, children, and families, strengthen public health systems, and catalyse the achievement of the UNAIDS 95-95-95 Fast Track Targets for HIV epidemic control and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Since 2001, mothers2mothers Mentor Mothers have provided life-saving services to over 11 million women and children under two years of age, and have helped to turn the tide of paediatric HIV in the countries in which they operate. From a single site in Cape Town, South Africa, they have helped expand their footprint across ten countries in sub-Saharan Africa, creating jobs for more than 11,000 women living with HIV as Mentor Mothers, and helped to empower millions more women to actively drive positive health outcomes for themselves and their families.
In 2018, the Swarovski Foundation supported mothers2mothers in Kenya to train, employ and empower 4 Mentor Mothers living with HIV who delivered services to 2,291 women and 32 male partners to protect their babies from HIV infection and keep their families healthy.
In 2019, the Swarovski Foundation funded a pilot project in Uganda, during which Mentor Mothers identified the youngest and most vulnerable children living with disabilities, linking them to health services and other critical interventions to support their positive long-term development.
In 2020, the Swarovski Foundation provided mothers2mothers with additional support to enable the continued identification of and support to young children with disabilities and their families in Uganda.