Teach for Thailand

Despite progress over the past two decades, inequality remains high in Thailand. The circumstances people are born into, such as parents’ socio-economic status and geographic location, strongly shape the options available to them in life. In education, results from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) have shown that not only Thai students rank below average in science, mathematics and reading compared to other countries, but there is also a significant performance gap between schools, with young people from lower-income households having lower rates of attendance and completion and faring worse on learning outcomes (OECD, World Bank).
The Swarovski Foundation is proud to support Teach For Thailand’s commitment to ensure quality education for all.

Teach For Thailand is a charitable organisation with the mission to develop collective leadership to expand educational opportunities for children in Thailand. They do this through a Fellowship Programme, where they recruit candidates from all backgrounds to teach in disadvantaged schools for two years. The Fellows work in partnership with other stakeholders in the community to provide students with an enhanced education that will allow them to shape a better future for themselves and those around them. Fellows gain the foundation for a lifetime of leadership, and eventually become alumni working across sectors to effect change.
Over the past ten years, Teach For Thailand has reached more than 64,000 students through 440 teachers, and empowered 99 schools and communities across 15 provinces in Thailand.

Since 2015, the Swarovski Foundation has supported Teach For Thailand's work to ensure equitable educational opportunities for all children in Thailand. We particularly supported the recruitment and training of 19 Fellows and helped over 6,800 students in Thailand to access quality education in subjects including Mathematics, Science and English.
Together we are committed to enhancing the overall participant experience, which has led to the development of various opportunities to amplify the impact of our partnership. Recently, Teach For Thailand Fellows began incorporating the Waterschool curriculum into their teaching, thus raising awareness about the importance of water sustainability among children.

We have also been able to collaborate with Swarovski Manufacturing Thailand to organise activities such as school visits and career guidance days for participating students, where employees volunteered to share their expertise and knowledge with the students in an effort to encourage them to think about their own professional futures.
Additionally, in 2023, 5 Fellows were able to complete internships with Marigot Jewellery in the departments of finance and accounting, integrated management system, procurement, and human resource management. This element of the Teach For Thailand programme supports their professional development and impact in the classroom and beyond.